This is Poly

Poly People

Nikash Khanna ’24

Nikash Khanna ’24

Many things separate Poly from other schools. Some of the activities and extracurriculars I’ve been able to explore at Poly are drawing, filmmaking, painting, and joining the crew team. All of these activities have been really enjoyable. One of the main ways that Poly has encouraged me to further my efforts was in my “Stories and Systems” class that I took during my freshman year. For my final project I made a short film called, “The Neighborhood Project,” which was about neighborhood segregation in New York City. Since then it has gotten into several film festivals!


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Hank Schilling ’24

“Poly understands how sports and academics are equally important in students’ lives. We have a wide array of sports to choose from and many teams to join both in Middle School and Upper School. There are facilities and fields for almost every sport you can think of.”

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John W. ’32

“John W. ’32 loves P.E. and shows good sportsmanship after each contest.”

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Junie Blaise ’24

“Junie is a bright and smart student who goes beyond just academics. She was willing to help other students who were struggling,”

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